Arm Lift at a Glance

Type of anesthesia:
Recovery time:
2 weeks off work (non-strenuous jobs)
Time in surgery:
2-3 hours
When you go home:
Day of operation
Often Combined With:

*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your experience may vary.

Arm Lift in San Antonio, TX

What Is an Arm Lift?

Aging or significant weight loss causes the skin to lose much of its elasticity, so it hangs or sags loosely instead of remaining firm. On the upper arms, this can result in what is sometimes referred to as “bat wings”—hanging skin when you extend your arms away from your body. Dr. Michael Ablavsky performs brachioplasty—commonly called an arm lift—in San Antonio, Texas, to remove the excess skin, creating a toned, firm appearance.

Is an Arm Lift Right for You?

Even people who work out regularly and have good muscle tone in the upper arms can benefit from arm lift surgery. That’s because exercise does little to tighten loose, crepey skin. Good candidates for an arm lift—and other body contouring procedures—have maintained a stable weight for several months before their surgeries. They are in good overall health, are realistic about the potential results, and remain committed to leading a healthy lifestyle.

How Is an Arm Lift Performed?

Dr. Ablavsky customizes his arm lift technique to address your specific condition and the results you want. In general, there are two types of arm lift surgeries.

Mini-Brachioplasty (arm lift)

During this procedure, the incision is limited to the proximal arm. Patients with minimal or moderate excess tissue and skin that retains much of its elasticity can benefit from this approach.

Full Arm Lift

A full arm lift involves making an incision that runs from the armpit to the elbow. Dr. Ablavsky then removes tissue and excess skin before suturing the incision. Patients with significant excess skin typically need a full arm lift to create slimmer, firmer upper arms. Even though the resulting scar is noticeable, patients believe having more attractive contoured arms is worth the tradeoff.

Arm Lift or Liposuction?

Choosing between arm lift or liposuction depends on individual patient’s arms (skin redundancy, amount of fat), and patient expectations. Liposuction may be adequate for patients with good skin tone, minimal skin excess, and those unwilling to have scars. This involves inserting a thin tube, called a cannula, to suction fat from the arms. Patients with excess skin and poor tone may be better served with excision of skin alone. Some patients may benefit from liposuction in conjunction with an excisional procedure.

Dr. Michael Ablavsky at Aesthetic Enhancement - Cosmetic Surgery Center Dr. Michael Ablavsky at Aesthetic Enhancement - Cosmetic Surgery Center

Dr. Ablavsky

Dr. Ablavsky is a board-certified, fellowship-trained plastic surgeon whose patients trust him for natural-looking results from face, breast, and body procedures. He listens closely to his patients' concerns and takes the time to answer their questions with honesty and compassion.

Meet Dr. Ablavsky Request Your Consultation

I would recommend him 100% to people I know.


What Is Recovery Like After an Arm Lift?

An arm lift poses some unique challenges during the recovery because patients need to limit the movement of their arms. For example, it’s important to avoid raising the arms above shoulder height for about 14 days after the procedure to prevent putting excessive tension on the incisions.

We provide patients with detailed post-op instructions that, when closely followed, enhance the healing process and minimize the risk of complications. They include information about medications, showering, and the importance of wearing compression dressings.

How Much Does an Arm Lift Cost in San Antonio?

The cost of arm lift surgery at our San Antonio practice depends on the extent of the procedure and other factors that are unique to each patient. At our practice, an arm lift procedure starts at $8,305. We provide a detailed price quote to patients following their consultations.

Request Your Consultation

If you’re looking for a plastic surgeon in San Antonio to perform arm lift surgery, request a consultation with Dr. Ablavsky using the online form or call our practice at (210) 942-6672 to schedule an appointment.

ZO Skin Health Skincare Products now available at Ablavsky Plastic Surgery

Now Offering ZO® Skin Health Skincare Products at Ablavsky Plastic Surgery

Prep your skin prior to surgery to soften and smooth your skin’s appearance for optimal results.

Contact us at (210) 942-6672 to learn more.
